10.30am Parish Communion by Extension

Service led by Alan Kirsopp


The Collect for this Sunday:

God, who in generous mercy sent the Holy Spirit upon your church in the burning fire of your love: grant that your people may be fervent in the fellowship of the gospel that, always abiding in you, they may be found steadfast in faith and active service; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


First Readings: Exodus 14.19-31Romans 14.1-12


Gospel Acclamation: All heaven declares (booklet no 2)


Gospel Reading: Matthew 18.21-35


Sides people:         Sean Sullivan

Welcomer:              Maureen Dunn

Organ:                   Gordon Swift                       

Readers:                Christopher Armstrong/Alan Kirsopp

Chalice:                 Ann Arkley/ Christine Lancaster



A Prayer after communion which you may say privately:

Keep, O Lord, your church, with your perpetual mercy; and because without you our human frailty cannot but fall, keep us ever by your help from all things hurtful, and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Other services today;

6.00pm Phone Church






Wednesday      7.00pm Bellringing Practice  

Thursday         10.00am Hoy Communion

Friday              6.30pm Choir Practice

Saturday         10.00am -12.30pm Coffee morning in the Church Hall to raise funds for pupils from Thorpe Academy who are planning a trip to Tanzania.



Next Sunday – Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity – Holy Cross Day

10.30am Parish Communion NOT Celebration of the Word of God

6.00pm Phone Church




Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to look after church over the Heritage Weekend.


Alison will be on holiday from Monday 11th to Saturday 23rd September.

If you need anything please contact our Church Warden Sue McGinn.


Food Bank Collection

Here is a list of items that would be particularly welcome: – 

UHT milk, sugar (500 g), fruit juice (long life cartoons), tea bags, instant coffee, breakfast cereal, soup (tinned), tomatoes (tinned), vegetables (tinned), instant mash potato, noodles, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, fish (tinned), meat (tinned), fruit (tinned), jam, sponge pudding (tinned), rice pubbing (tinned), custard (tinned), biscuits, toiletries, sanitary products, carrier bags.

Donations can be put in the black bin at the back of church.





Dates for your Diary:


Thursday 28th September 11.00am – MacMillan Coffee Morning in church


Thursday 28th September PCC meeting


6th – 8th October Harvest Weekend







WEEKLY NOTES is published in hard copy every Saturday and is sent by email to many. Here is PART of the current Weekly Notes: