Upcoming Services and Events

Our main Sunday service is at 10.30am on Sundays. This is usually a Communion service but on the 4th Sunday of the month we have a Celebration of the Word of God which is led by members of our church family.
On Sunday mornings we also have our Young Church which meets in the Church Hall. The young people and their leaders join us in church in time to share in Communion with us.
We also have a service at 10am on Thursdays. This is a service of Holy Communion in traditional language except for the Thursday before the 4th Sunday in the month when we have a lay-led Service of the Word.
We usually share in refreshments and conversation after the service.

Service times are changed very occasionally on special occasions, eg Remembrance Sunday and Christmas morning. We endeavour to keep this website and our Facebook page up to date but if in doubt, check the noticeboard at the bottom of the church drive and any notices on the gates or contact the office.

Phone Church - Sundays at 6pm

No internet access? Interested in joining in evening prayer from the warmth and comfort of your own home? Join us for Phone Church - follow the instructions below to dial in. Calls are charged at local rate or may be included in your free minutes depending on your plan. Orders of Service can be downloaded from the link below or obtained from Rev. Alison.


Joining instructions
You can dial in from 5.50pm - we will begin the service at 6pm. Using your telephone (landline OR mobile) dial: 0333 0164757


See if you can put your phone on ‘speaker’ or ‘hands free’ so that you can move it away from your ear. This isn’t essential but might make it easier for you.


You will hear a woman’s voice saying “Welcome to Whypay (and a short marketing message)” then, “Please enter your conference room number followed by the hash key”. So using your keypad type in: 81333019 #


You will then hear the same voice say “Please enter your Guest Pin followed by the hash key” So using your keypad type in: 1624 #   

When you are connected if you are the first on the line some music will play, when someone arrives you will hear a tone, just say hello to each other and when everyone is there we will begin.


Sunday Evening Prayer
Sunday Evening Prayer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [136.5 KB]