A simple online Daily Prayer

Here's a simple form of Daily Prayer. An order for each day of the week. Click on the page for each day [lower left] to open it. Use it anytime in the day: first thing, coffee break, home from work. Take your time. Make it personal especially at the points in the order where you are invited to do that. Speak out the words if the setting allows.


By reciting the Psalm and the Scripture Song, through using the opening and concluding prayer as well as The Lord's Prayer, you connect with the daily praying of the whole Church as you feed on the Word of God and the Church's rich store of spiritual wisdom.


All the texts change when the Season of the Church Year changes. Currently the days of the week posted are for:



[Monday after Pentecost until 31st October]


This is a simple form of "Daily Prayer - a form of praise and prayer for use at any time of the day" compiled by Bruce Carlin and Tom Jamieson. That publication by DLT in 2002 is the fruit of a project on 'lay-friendly' structured prayer sponsored by the Diocese of Durham Liturgical Committee.


Included each day is a prayer from "Praying for the Earth - Remembering the environment in our public and private prayers of intercession". This resource is copyright c The Church of England Diocese of Newcastle, used here with permission.




The compilation is copyright c 2002 Bruce Carlin and Tom Jamieson. Several of the prayers are in the Public Domain or are acknowledged in the publication above.

Some of the prayers are taken from Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England, and is copyright c The Archbishops' Council 2000.

The Psalms, most of the Scripture Songs, and the Short Readings are taken from New Revised Standard Version, Anglicized Edition, copyright c 1989, 1995 Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.



As the Tyne surges through this valley to the sea, may grace and mercy flow from the holiness of God into every crying heart, every good hope, every true vision. So may God's rule on earth come.

Visits to Daily Prayer pages since Ash Wednesday, 14 February 2018